Wednesday 31 October 2012


Whats that, whats that over there??


Over there, there...

I don't see anything??

Up there, up in the sky, its yellow, and red, and PINK, no way, it looks like PIG DOG!!!!!

What a sight for sore eyes, and thank good he is ok!

After the blackout he was sent into a strange world of opposing pillows, its was very odd, no one pillow would sit near another, so they almost looked like colourful snow, moving around their daily business.

Luckily after 2 months PIG DOG found a plane!

It took some learning how to fly, as his little feet are not great at pressing small buttons, and holding the contols!

PIG DOG is happy to be back and he LOVES his new plane...

Monday 10 September 2012


The pure excitment and joy of seeing the Weeble Dance Troop was vastly intense. It was so intense that it started to play with Pig Dogs mind!!!

His little pink head started to spin like a big wheel, the colours of a thousand rainbows mixing and merging into one. His little wide eyes began to glaze over as his chubby pink body started to tingle and go numb.

The next thing Pig Dog knew was that he was floating though a long dark hole, as he had passed out and had entered dream world!

And it was very strange, he was face to face with Big Blue...

Big Blue's massive eye sent Pig Dog into a dream based trance, and his big mouth looked very inviting, so he got inside...

This is just what Big Blue wanted, yummy, yummy PIG DOG...


Friday 7 September 2012

The Weeble Dance Troop...

All of the Urban Balancing starts to make Pig Dog wonder if there are any other balancers in the big smoke? There must be!

Luckily as he is skipping round town, he stumbles upon a poster advertising a show for, guess what, The Weeble Balancing Dance Troop!!!! No way, how cool.

He decides to pay them a visit as the poster says they are practicing in Shrewsbury.

He is so happy about their shape, and their cool coloured bottoms. He speaks with the elder to find out if they could balance with such a round behind?

Elder Weeble laughs out loud, and says, "my dear, Weebles wobble but they don't fall down, see for yourself..."



And even...

Oh my god, Pig Dog feels sick with excitement and joy, the world of balancing Weebles is too beautiful to describe, HAPPY DAYS...

Saturday 1 September 2012

Time for Urban Balancing...

To clear his little pink head, Pig Dog decides to take his forest floating skills and try his hand at urban balancing. Sure there are not so many plants and branches to glide on, but there are loads of other man made things, its got to work!

He knows it will make him HAPPY!!!

He balances on handrails...

He finds pointed bollards...

He even manages to find some zip-ties to do some wire-walking on...

Hell, there is even an urban cave...

Boy his forest skills are so not wasted in the big city, urban floating is where its at!!!


I know Pig Dog was found and created in the woods, but he had to come from somewhere!!!

The Pig Dog world is not the same as the human world, once you are born in the forest you are given a crash course in sniffing, finding, eating and dance, then you are on your own!

Just because this is the way though, it does not take away the feelings Pig Dog has.

He ponders on the folks...

He hopes they are proud, and wonders what they would have thought to him owning his new car...

And if they ever really thought about art, and what kind of things they would they like...

Is that a bottle of Jagermeister? Good times...

Monday 27 August 2012

Thinking of the Past...

So Pig Dog is getting sorted with cash, he is finding new friends, and seeing many new places. Life is moving at one hell of a rate! Its very exciting, but it is also making him think, and reflect!

He reflects on some of the simple things he use to love, like his skills of balance and plant floating through the woods...

He thinks of the old wood and trees...

He thinks of his parents, yes his parents!!!

Pig Dog hopes they are all ok...

Saturday 4 August 2012

King of bling is found, and cash flows...

Bling Cat is found!!!!

Hello! Wow this is a cat that knows his bling!!! A little camp thinks Pig Dog, but hey its a free world, and he is a naked pink pig!

A little dazzled by the presence of Bling Cat, Pig Dog starts the haggle to get a good price for the gold...

Things got a little intense, and Pig Dog did not really know what was a good price, as he had no idea of the cost of things in the new world. But after 4 days of haggling, they came to a happy place, and agreed on £900!!!!

Man, happy times, what a run of luck Pig Dog has hit...

Monday 30 July 2012

Possible financial stability...

Pig Dog can't believe his eyes, how can this be, gold! So he gets out of his car to take a closer look!

Man, that is the real deal for sure, he may be an animal from the forest, but he knows gold when he see's it! And he ain't no fool!!!

But what to do? In this new world things are very different, but he knows he has to pay his way, and find a place to live.

Mr Dimond Geezer did mention the Three Wise Penguins, they were always willing to give advise, especially when it came to gold, frankincence or myrrh!

So Pig Dog popped the gold in the car and went to see them.

Pig Dogs first impression was that they went very well with his car! That made him very happy.

What they said though made perfect sense, they explained that in the new world he had to pay for things and would need to fund his new life. Either he found a job, or sold the gold! He was still homeless.

They told him about Bling Cat, who loved gold and all things bling, and would certainly pay a good price.

So with a big smile Pig Dog set off to find the king of bling...

Sunday 29 July 2012

I love GOLD...

Pig Dog is driving!!!

Where to go, what to see, the streets are his. Its so much easier than having to thrash his little pink legs, he should have done this years ago!!!

He loves the feeling of the wind flapping through his ears, and the way it makes his eyes water when he sticks his head out the window!

Pig Dog is so very happy right now, this is so cool.

Turning a right corner he spots something in the road up in front. As he gets close he has to blink several times to check what he thinks he has seen... because it looks like...


Sunday 22 July 2012

Back out on the street...

Pig Dog's new friends were cool, odd, but very cool, and he started to learn one or two things  about them from their time together. Dead Thing didn't have much to say, apart from that "he was from France!"

The new crew had things to do, so left the Nags Head and went their individual ways for now, but agreed to hook up soon.

Back out in the street Pig Dog realised that he needed a faster way to get around if he was going to see everything. He knew of two external modes of transport now, The Magic Nana Boot...

Or his own set of WHEELS!!!

There will be plenty of time for The Magic Nana Boot, now its time to DRIVE...

Saturday 21 July 2012

Interesting friends for sure...

With his little fuzzy head and the meeting of Tin Bird, Pig Dog reckons he should go back to the bar. He gets sorted in the gents, opens the cubicle door and WAMM-BAMM, he is face to face with DEAD THING!

Now Pig Dog has certainly met a few strange folk already today, and said nothing, but Dead Thing was getting pretty close to plain weird (one can sense a little uncertainty in Pig Dogs face)!!! Before he had to think what to say or how to break the ice, Dead Thing blurted out "I'M FROM FRANCE."

Well thats good enough for me thought Pig Dog, must be a pretty normal chap then! With a happy feeling once again they headed back to the bar where the four very select new friends tucked into some ale!!!

Happy times...

Thursday 19 July 2012

Tipsy times, and second meeting...

Pig Dog feels a little odd, for sure, but Mr Dimond Geezer seems to be acting very strange after a couple of drinks. Thinking about it, Pig Dog does have a large amount of body fat to weight ratio to soak up the new drink, where as Mr Dimond Geezer is paper thin!

Even so Pig Dog takes a toilet break to collect his head, but as he enters the gents he is dropped face to face with DANGER!!!!

OMG! What the heck!!!

There is a short moment in time where there is a definite stand-off, Pig Dog fears for his eyes!

But then Tin Bird speaks, and says "are you a buddy of Mr Dimond Geezer?" Thinking on his feet Pig Dog beems a massive smile and says "oh yes!"

Wow, close one, things seem to be ok, for now...

Monday 16 July 2012


So the big smoke is vast, and a little confusing. Many buildings with imposing products stuck in the windows. The word SALE, seems very popular, Pig Dog thinks of the sea.
Pig Dog is still pretty hungry and thirsty and there are buildings that offer food and drink 'ALL DAY'. So he chooses one called the Nags Head.

No sooner than he steps to the bar he is confronted...

Pig Dog feels a little amazed, as he though he had a big smile, but it was nothing compared to Mr Dimond Geezer!!!

Mr Dimond Geezer was very friendly and Pig Dog was very happy! Mr Dimond Geezer offered Pig Dog a drink...

What a strange taste, and oh what a strange feeling...

Sunday 15 July 2012

The big smoke...

What to do first? The big smoke is so new, so different, so concrete. There seems to be bridges everywhere...

There is danger in being so high, and over the water, but Pig Dog likes that feeling!!!

All the travel and the big day has made him so thirsty, but unlike the forest, where he had to collect fallen rain water for days, he can go to Waitrose!!!

Life is very different...

Heading to the new world...

Pig Dog is OUT!!!!

In the forest he has never had to use the art of blagging. But with a little naked body and no other personal belongings he has to learn fast. First up he needs a map to see where to go!!!

Spotting Shrewsbury as the next biggest place, and being named a bit like one of his best friends from the woods, his mind is set.

Next up he has to blag a ride, no way his little happy legs will get him that far!

Pig Dog is rolling...

Final push...

A new day dawns and Pig Dog is so damn close to the edge of the woodland. Hunger hits and a feast on his most favoured Puff-Ball mushrooms is a must! They also look a little like him and boy do they make him HAPPY!!!


YEH!!!! He is one joyfull Pig Dog (a little relief in his body language to).


Saturday 14 July 2012

Still amongst the trees...

The woods are vast and Pig Dog uses his leaf-floating skills to travel through the dense under-growth. Its a skill he developed using the perception of weight against natural structures, and he uses it to great effect!!!

Its not just fern that can support his piggy weight, big leaf plants are ideal, man he is happy...

Rest is needed after such a woodland crossing, and the soft damp moss helps cool his hot feet...

Must be nearing the edge of the forest soon...