Monday 27 August 2012

Thinking of the Past...

So Pig Dog is getting sorted with cash, he is finding new friends, and seeing many new places. Life is moving at one hell of a rate! Its very exciting, but it is also making him think, and reflect!

He reflects on some of the simple things he use to love, like his skills of balance and plant floating through the woods...

He thinks of the old wood and trees...

He thinks of his parents, yes his parents!!!

Pig Dog hopes they are all ok...

Saturday 4 August 2012

King of bling is found, and cash flows...

Bling Cat is found!!!!

Hello! Wow this is a cat that knows his bling!!! A little camp thinks Pig Dog, but hey its a free world, and he is a naked pink pig!

A little dazzled by the presence of Bling Cat, Pig Dog starts the haggle to get a good price for the gold...

Things got a little intense, and Pig Dog did not really know what was a good price, as he had no idea of the cost of things in the new world. But after 4 days of haggling, they came to a happy place, and agreed on £900!!!!

Man, happy times, what a run of luck Pig Dog has hit...