Monday 10 September 2012


The pure excitment and joy of seeing the Weeble Dance Troop was vastly intense. It was so intense that it started to play with Pig Dogs mind!!!

His little pink head started to spin like a big wheel, the colours of a thousand rainbows mixing and merging into one. His little wide eyes began to glaze over as his chubby pink body started to tingle and go numb.

The next thing Pig Dog knew was that he was floating though a long dark hole, as he had passed out and had entered dream world!

And it was very strange, he was face to face with Big Blue...

Big Blue's massive eye sent Pig Dog into a dream based trance, and his big mouth looked very inviting, so he got inside...

This is just what Big Blue wanted, yummy, yummy PIG DOG...


Friday 7 September 2012

The Weeble Dance Troop...

All of the Urban Balancing starts to make Pig Dog wonder if there are any other balancers in the big smoke? There must be!

Luckily as he is skipping round town, he stumbles upon a poster advertising a show for, guess what, The Weeble Balancing Dance Troop!!!! No way, how cool.

He decides to pay them a visit as the poster says they are practicing in Shrewsbury.

He is so happy about their shape, and their cool coloured bottoms. He speaks with the elder to find out if they could balance with such a round behind?

Elder Weeble laughs out loud, and says, "my dear, Weebles wobble but they don't fall down, see for yourself..."



And even...

Oh my god, Pig Dog feels sick with excitement and joy, the world of balancing Weebles is too beautiful to describe, HAPPY DAYS...

Saturday 1 September 2012

Time for Urban Balancing...

To clear his little pink head, Pig Dog decides to take his forest floating skills and try his hand at urban balancing. Sure there are not so many plants and branches to glide on, but there are loads of other man made things, its got to work!

He knows it will make him HAPPY!!!

He balances on handrails...

He finds pointed bollards...

He even manages to find some zip-ties to do some wire-walking on...

Hell, there is even an urban cave...

Boy his forest skills are so not wasted in the big city, urban floating is where its at!!!


I know Pig Dog was found and created in the woods, but he had to come from somewhere!!!

The Pig Dog world is not the same as the human world, once you are born in the forest you are given a crash course in sniffing, finding, eating and dance, then you are on your own!

Just because this is the way though, it does not take away the feelings Pig Dog has.

He ponders on the folks...

He hopes they are proud, and wonders what they would have thought to him owning his new car...

And if they ever really thought about art, and what kind of things they would they like...

Is that a bottle of Jagermeister? Good times...